Every week the DM’s fill up in our inbox with questions about Urban Golf and how the meetups work. It’s human nature to want to know what you’re getting yourself into so I totally get it. 

This past week was a tough one for me personally, full of problems without any immediate solutions. Testing both my physical and mental health, I was tired and just flat out didn’t feel myself. As Thursday came up fast and not having the ability to spend much time in the office at the Neighborhood Golf Shop, the week really lacked promotion and communication for the meetup. Not knowing who was gonna show up or if it was gonna be busy in general or not, I just went with the flow. We were blessed with some unreal weather that night for March in Portland, OR. The little bit of sunshine we’ve all been craving, brought out a good chunk of the Neighborhood Golf Shop fam and some new faces out for the night. As all the new and old homies started to pull up, all my worries and stress lifted for the night. The meetups just are a vibe… There’s no other way to describe it! All the smiles and laughs. All the great shots and terrible ones we won’t let each other forget. It’s important memories and stories that we’ll carry with all of us for the rest of our lives. Anyone who has spent anytime in Portland since the pandemic knows how hard the city is struggling and it’s not the easiest place to live right now. It’s tough to find positivity or see beauty in what’s going on here… But every Thursday the neighborhood transforms into a place of both positivity and beauty. As I walked down 2nd Street this past week I started filming the group and couldn’t get myself to stop filming.

To get back to the initial point about the curiosity of how the events work or what the structure is… This film is 8 minutes with no cuts or highlights. 8 minutes of what exactly the meetups are all about. 

We all need some positivity, beauty, and most importantly solid homies/friendships in our lives to pick us up when the world feels heavy. Come get some swings in with us on a Thursday from 6pm-9pm sometime. It might be just what you’re looking for…

- @munimax

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